
I'm glad to be back........ after spending 5 days in Houston, TX with our VB team. 

I always thought if I had a dream and a destiny, it should come easy. If something is "meant to be", why would I have to "work for it?" I'm not sure where that thought came from other than empty promises made by well meaning people; impressions made upon me as a young person.

As I connected with a West Point graduate on the plane from Houston to LAX, he identified with the work ethic required. Never in my wildest imagination could I conceive of the "suffering and sacrifices" it would take to get here......

After our time in Houston at Junior Olympics Nationals VB Championships, our vision has again expanded, opening up the future for Logan. More details to come. I find it often takes forced change to conform our will to the path of God in life, and to align us with our destiny. There is pain in that process, but there are rewards........

One of the best things was seeing his previous team from the Lehigh Valley in PA; we have lifelong connections there. The hugs were ones in which I didn't want to let go of, and to see Logan's face light up when he saw his former teammates was awesome:) It felt like a piece of home.

I enjoyed Houston, mostly because of team relationships and having Chynna and Austin with me. We had a few free hours and drove to see the Gulf in Galveston. I can now say we've been there. Not quite what I expected.

Rockstar did very well, winning their Flight in the Open Division:) It was a rewarding experience and in the South Bay, there is no dead time. JO's end and decisions are made for the upcoming club season that begins in September. Now, beach training begins.

Leaving Houston, there was green grass, rain, and life. As we hit LA airspace, I could feel the emptiness in the land, much like the dryness in the ground from a lack of "rain." We know we can't look outward for fulfillment, but have to find it within... and upward..... and release what we have into the area. 
Glad to be back blogging.

"Welcome To The Jungle." Jay-Z


Reading my daughter's words of wisdom below brings me to tears..... haven't cried in a while. Surprised?  It is true. I realized something today...... I've been afraid to "let go" of home because I don't want to feel loss again.

In reality, my life alone was beginning; I was carving a path, even though I felt like I was spinning my wheels the first 18+ months. There was motion and the movement was necessary, nurturing me to another point in life. Friendships were growing and I was adjusting to new activities......

Instead I embraced a path of purpose, putting everything I say I have faith in, to the test. A friend texted today about how life goes by too quickly; I told him I live everyday with that in mind, not motivated by fear but fueled with the future....... I often wonder if I can do this.

I've shared very personal things with you and I will continue..... what might be revealed in the next few weeks, may be raw emotions.... again. This new apartment has given us a sanctuary of sorts, a place of peace that is offering another opportunity......Good things will come from my "gleaning."

Big 3 day pre-Houston tournament this weekend with Team Rockstar in Anaheim. Lots of Cali teams and others come to play for "points", so we'll get a preview of JO's. Tomorrow Logan plays a team from WI:) Austin's enjoying use of the Toyota while his sister is away:) Got some playing on the beach in today!

Chynna's enjoying rekindling her East Coast connections with a pre-Rumble party tonight:) The giggles of my nieces she texted on video today light up my life; I can't help but smile......

Wondering what establishing roots will look like here.......