Content not complacent.

Today actually felt....... normal.

Even though I was out running around in a coating of snow, sleet, and slush back east, I didn't complain. I was cold but I felt… content. I imagine the Apostle Paul was familiar with all facets of life and perhaps why he spoke with authority on the subject.

There have been so many life lessons crammed into the almost two year process we've undergone. Contentment is not simply a state of mind; it is a state of being. It is not complacency or stagnancy; self deprecation or self denial. Contentment is an investment..............

As you know, challenges in SoCal have been unreal in our time there and caused me to be irate; not my normal nature. Your guard has to be up,,,, constantly. We made the most of our time but knew when the time had changed. Business was calling me back.

Logan and I made the decision to return to PA to protect my real estate investments and handle business opportunities that arise. We would not trade the experience, but I am glad to say we survived. As quickly as we moved there, we have returned........

Chynna and Austin remain in the LA area, while Jordan is in San Fran. The future is mapped out for the two, one is in limbo of sorts. The unsustainability of the lifestyle is not spoken about. Football, family, friends, fun and frivolity are all part of the life we want to enjoy... not simply sustain.

I see my youngest at peace, with smiles and contentment upon returning east. His social life can consist of more than competitions.......... and he can actually do some hard work again:)

I am going to invest in feeling a bit content.....