The Sweetest Thing.

At the beginning of the summer 2014, my daughter stated that in this next season we would begin "to see the realization of all our dreams." Even though a big, bold statement made as a declaration, I believed it to be true......... and I was speechless.

No one can prepare you for sacrifice, whether you're creating a business, starting a family, moving cross country, training for an athletic event.... or losing a loved one. Unless immersed in the purpose, you will likely miss the meaning. You must prepare to be aware or all is done in vain.......

As I reflect on the last 7 years of my life, I knew I was in "training;" for what, I did not know exactly. An unplanned pregnancy, a horrible miscarriage which led into depression; one business began, while another ended, and many more changes undergone in this period of time. I wondered how I would live through it, let alone make it.

The one thing I kept in my mind and heart was the belief that this was not in vain. I knew beauty would come from pain and I would ultimately gain. The irony of loss... and redemption. When I actually adopted this understanding, my whole life was impacted...... and so was the life of my kids........

Those dreams coming to life I've held dear for many years may not be the plans I have laid out. More than likely, "as above, so below" and we will embrace and adopt a greater purpose for our lives; a platform for the taking. I know there is so much more to come than we could even think or imagine awaiting...........

As we quickly approach November 4, I feel as if our 3 year "season of sacrifice" will lead us "home".........

"The Sweetest Thing." U2

Resilience is a remedy.

On the eve of 9/11, I think of where I was the morning news broke of such tragedy and trauma unfolding back East. I would predict that no one was prepared for such an experience that day; this unimaginable event would leave a mark on the soul of the nation........

The loss was collectively shared, as if we all experienced the same thing together. Responses. Reactions. Sacrifice. Heroism. Having experienced these differences on both coasts, I think I know what my second book could be........

As I spoke with Jordan today, he took my laugh as a good sign and I joked with him about my resilience..... I said "I'm like a rubberband, I bounce back." LOL. Even in experiences I would prefer not to have as part repertoire, I allow myself to be tested, whether in adversity or diversity.......

There was a time in the life of Job where the God he had put his trust in, allowed him to experience pain and suffering. It would seem like everything he went through was for no reason at all; however, the devil had made a deal with the Almighty. You see.... Job's favor had earned God's faith. He believed in the character of this mortal man......

Job probably thought he had a "good life" in his first half, with so many blessings and great experiences; however, there was more that awaited him. But first, he had to be tested, severely. His beliefs were ground down to the bare bones..... only to be built back up again. The second half, his second chance, brought about more than he ever imagined.

As I begin to really pursue and put in place plans to make things happen in my second chance rather than "suffering" through, I trust my experience will be as Job's..........

The impact of 9/11 will live on because I purpose to remember this life altering event, just as my personal loss. It is part of our legacy, meant to make us better....... not to tear me apart, but bless beyond belief......

Resilience is a remedy.