A fresh start for Fall.

Being given a "'second chance" in life, whether your experience is in the loss of life or the quality of it, is truly a gift that is easily missed. It is as I move further in my journey that I continue to see this glorious unfolding.....

The opportunity may be wrapped in a beautiful covering, or simple plain brown paper, with nothing to catch the eye. Something given as a "gift" should make me feel good...... and contrary to my circumstances, I know the One I believe in gives only "good gifts......."

I may try to make a guess at what could possibly be contained inside, or how it might impact my life as I open this mystery. My anticipation is palpable; however, it's not until I begin to really unwrap it, rip into it, that I become enveloped in the possibilities and discover destiny within.........

As John and I spent another weekend in SoCal together, I continue to be amazed at the quality of this man I have gotten to know very well....... While I never imagined my life would take such a turn, nor the lives of my children, I see the possibilities of second chances.....

I didn't realize how, but I began to compartmentalize myself since trauma took the life of my late husband and our life, as we knew it to be. I think I had to segregate it in order to handle the major life alterations that accompany loss. Trust issues took their toll as well..............

I now am coming to the start of another new beginning in my life. In another week I will be leaving my PT job at Prudential in HB, in order to pursue my writing and blogging career. It seem the Fall season has brought about a necessary "change" in this season in my life........ more to come.

I hate goodbyes........... but I LOVE beginnings.