Seasonal Changes

Chaos and Calm. Words to describe moments in my current life......

Life, and loss, are filled with complete contradictions that you will probably never be told about. This experience engulfs a person, family, or community and is ongoing; my guard cannot be let down easily.... I have so harshly learned.
And particularly as I have been outspoken of the need to move on.

When a vision is cast, a family rallies; a community cares and a nation gathers, as this occurs, you can bet the enemy of the soul will go to work to breakdown the unity created. We see it on many levels, and now personally. Never did I imagine......

I guess I have unknowingly taken a "vow of silence" this summer as a means of preservation. This silence has revealed a changing "season" yet again in my life and that of my sons. So many great things are upon us, as heartache occurs. 
But the Lord is saying to "let go." There is a time and season to all.

You would think that may be an easy statement for me to grab hold of, but this second phase of my "test" is almost greater than the first. You may say losing a spouse would be enough; however, I am being put through round 2.......
"The latter blessing will be greater than the first..."

In the course of the next few weeks, my "nest" will be a little less full. We will be seeing my youngest off to his first year of college, with another going into his Junior Year. My oldest is well on his way into another career and his own adventures. And my daughter......

Chaos and Calm.

Moving into this 4th year of recovery, my life has been filled with more adventure than ever. I have made some very big and bold moves since my "vow of silence" this summer. Each necessary to regain my own control. The chaos is bringing the calm.......

We continue on our path to recovery, each going our own way, more than ever before, but together. Having said that, I sense the "season" has changed. It is time for a new "vehicle." A new "venue." A renewal of my pursuits.

I will be closing out this FB chapter, as I open a new one in blogging on HOS.
I greatly hope you will search me out, sign up for emails, and follow me on my blog: 
More private yet public, protected not proper, and a freedom from scrutiny I have so heavily faced here. 
I hope you will come explore with me and find your own adventure!

You may be surprised at what you hear..............I have so much to tell you...

Thank you all and Love