Always a Come Back

Nothing is impossible.

Those words can have profound meaning with positive or negative connotation. What I have learned, not only in the last 4 years, 4 months, or my whole lifetime thus far, is anything can happen at any given moment.

I have learned this lesson on countless occasions, always gleaning great grains in my "field of purpose." Some lessons come with a bigger price and harder work than others. While sacrifice is required, break through is always coming......

There is reward for suffering.

The boys and I are coming through a painful process of refinement this summer; working through a real test of trust is how unity is built. Hindsight gives way to truth and clarity when willing to truly see, and it is time to get real.........

Please pray for us; for my sons.

Good, great things, are on the horizon. Distractions and detriments to each one of our futures need to be left go for now. There is no quitting in my vocabulary as you know; but I also know that I cannot control anything, other than my own actions.

In order to keep up with God's timing, we must let go.

The next few weeks will contain potential opportunities that not too long ago seemed....... impossible. We again go unafraid into the unknowns, but knowing our God in heaven is with us, and is orchestrating one big, great, elaborate plan, that we get to be part of.

No matter what you face in life, there is ALWAYS the possibility to come back..

Bigger. Badder. Better. Stronger..... and Bolder. ‪#‎2017isours‬