Vanity or Valor.

Coming into an area and state that seems to "have it all," one would not expect there to be so many needs. The "needy" are not always the impoverished and in the streets.................

As challenging as it is, I've chosen to immerse myself in the culture, to learn and become "educated" in the culture. A certain portrayal of a lifestyle is on daily display; beauty, butt cheeks, cracks, bosoms, and vain imaginations are all exposed to me, and much more. I learn from lifestyles.

King Naaman, from ancient days, was afflicted with leprosy and was sent to a certain prophet for guidance on how to get rid of it. He was told to go nearby into the Jordan River and dip himself in the water; there he would find what he needed at the time to help.

He wrestled with this concept, wondering how he could possibly benefit from this experience..... this idea was beyond his comprehension; how could something good come from a dirty, unfamiliar place. 
What he had to do ultimately, was to "immerse" himself in a place that was so unlike who he was........ but that place contained what he needed to prosper. We are doing the same. God help us.

After some shake ups, Austin is finally starting at the local community college tomorrow! His schedule will be full with school and working 1-2 jobs, and club VB. He now bikes everywhere because of our 2 car situation and is not an easy thing in this setting since we're not in a city.

Another weekend of beach VB keeps me sane, quite honestly. Logan and partner went 2-2, continuing to improve. Lots to think about going forward.... new strategies and plans to put in place to get where he wants to go. It's time to dig in deeper. School begins Wednesday for him.

There are shakes and quakes all around the globe, with quite a few happening here in California. Perhaps there are some things that need a bit of shaking up.
Let everything that can be shaken loose, be. It is then that we find out what we are really made of. Vanity or Valor.