Cleaning house

So after many, many months, Facebook has finally given us the ability to update the name of this group. While the content remains the same, the name change will focus on the future, and this new "house" established..... upon wisdom and knowledge.

When the past is glaring, with failures as reminders, and the present includes darkness, where does one turn....... I have never been one to share gimmicky cliches or offer a false sense of hope and so, the hope I share with you is very real......

It is close to my heart. Hope that endures, love that abides, and a strength that comes from going through the stuff that seems impossible. It is a belief that we will come through; I may not see how or why, but I know the power of redemption.

This creative power is something I have held onto for half my life, but became acquainted in the last ten years. Had I not believed in its power, I would not have been able to pick myself up after a death. 
I firmly believe there is never anyone so far removed from redemption, with too many "sins" or mistakes made, that the God I know cannot reach. I know because I have been there. I have needed chance after chance.... and I will offer it to anyone.......

Tomorrow I am attending my final Senior Awards Breakfast with Logan, with graduation set to take place June 1. To say he and his brothers have been through far more than you can imagine, is an understatement. To be so close now, pleases my heart.......

Just when life seems to take a specific course, plans can change. One thing you should know is that with me/us, nothing is set in stone. Nothing is a done deal. There are too many variables in play, in this life of widowhood.

While it may be uncomfortable, my cause is obedience. It is not always pretty; I am often misunderstood, but perhaps that goes along with a life who has suffered loss. It takes one to know one.

I have heard from so many of you...... and I know those affected does not need to be as drastic as a death.

As I have been housecleaning, I have taken my house back. I have taken down old pictures and decor, and brought a fresh look to revitalize the old. Combining the old with the new, just as in life, the past with the present, looking to the future.

We are House of Secrets.