Grace. Mercy. Peace.

You know, I guess to become an expert in any area of industry, any field of purpose, or if called to build an empire, you're gonna go through stuff. And the bigger the destiny, the greater the attacks that come........

Because of a recent turn of events relating to another potential loss in our lives, I am returning to Psalms 23. This is a big one and unthinkable quite honestly. To explain what loss feels like is almost impossible, and many run from it, rather than going through it to get to the other side..... a Promised Land........

This passage which serves as a constant reminder of the promise of restoration, even while walking through the shadows of death in life, contains so many, many intriguing ideas. As if walking through the difficulties and dark times isn't enough, there is so much more required.........

Woven into the midst of the good things like guidance He brings, restoration, peace, and stillness, there is a table, one "prepared for me in the presence of my enemies." What? Why? How can this be? Why, when I have come through the darkest time in life would I need to sit amidst the "enemies" of my soul?

It does not make sense....... to the naked eye. But a trained eye can spot the dynamic.......

This is not a place of feasting, comfort, or even comfortable, but what follows is something greater than I have ever known. An anointing, favor, and a "cup that overflows".......that is abundance. Lasting restoration. It is coming, even when the darkness settles upon us first......

Tonight, Logan and I attended the HS Sports Banquet for one final time. Many things in life are coming to a close, more than we are prepared for.
"Grace, mercy, and peace will be with us." 2 John 3