Imagine a sound.

Imagine a voice, a sound you were accustomed to hearing and then, suddenly silent........

If the voice brought hope to your soul, there may be an internal void filled with doubts, destructive words, and negativity. In the process of recovery, daily doses of hope are absolutely needed to keep my thinking in line and aligned with the path I am on, in order to keep moving.......

My prayer is that you can hear through my voice, sound, and words, the hope that is needed in the lives of each and every person reading my blog. I know what it is to feel the fight for hope and to keep it alive. Every time it is trying to be taken from me, my words become more powerful....

I am unwavering in my commitment to bring you a new language relating to the universal experience known as loss. ‪#‎givehopeaway2016‬

This has hit home firsthand which is why I share so freely what it is like; I suppose the Lord allows me to go through it to break through it. In turn, I am giving my knowledge away to help free others from the trap of traumas in life.........

Upon entering 2016, it was an experience like no other. To say I am grateful for everyday is an understatement. Each of my kids are embarking on their own paths in life, and I too have pressed on to find a portion of fulfillment. Never give up.

I am very pleased to announce my oldest son Jordan is going to start this new year in his own business! He is now a freelancer, using the knowledge and experience he gained on the East and West Coast in San Francisco, to make some bold moves. It is his time.......

Please feel free to share this news, as he is a web designer, graphic designer, and now working on app design! I am trusting God for him. He is a "builder" like his dad smile emoticon He specializes in structures which house content and material. His talents are quite remarkable.

I was so very blessed to open a piece of mail from Amazon, which contained my first Royalty Check, thanks to many of you! The amount was not huge, but it represents so much to me............... and this community. 
I press on, making more plans for 2016 to get it out to the public.

Even though the times I publish my posts may vary and you will see more content on my in the near future, I am here for you. 
Keep holding onto hope. ‪#‎2016exploding‬