Reaching and Rising.

And so it would seem, after this weekend my house is becoming more like home again. We have only been back 4-5 months in total, but it does feel much longer and has been jam packed because of we live life to its fullest, or try to!

There have been no personal pictures on our walls for a few years; photos and memories were packed away. The arrangement of rooms had been thrown together just to make due. I wonder how many times in life however, when this is the case, and we settle for less than is best....... or even what could be..........

I see how this happens regularly in my personal life, especially if or when I've compromised to make things better for another. Initially it may seem like flexibility or adaptability, or empathy even. In fact, it feels more like a learned behavior because I allow myself to be treated in a certain way. I enable or allow it to continue. I need to have the power to change it, or rearrange it..........

Today I did something I enjoy - I was able to talk the boys into helping me rearrange a few rooms, to fit our current needs, and to fit this present "season." It is amazing how transformation can come from a little time and effort by simply "rearranging" a few things in life. #simplepleasures

I want to thank my mom, who is never ending in her care, love, time, and support of us. Knowing Logan has been "starving" in recent weeks, she made a lasagne for us :)

No matter who I talk to about my mom, everyone knows her to be so kind and caring. She is always approachable and can handle a lot.

Sometimes just something as simple as a lasagne is all it takes to remind someone they've not been forgotten...... Thanks mom, we love you!

I am always reminded to keep reaching out..........

Looking forward to this incredible second week in September. Putting some "fleece" out and waiting for a few answers. #gideon #courage