A call to courage.

For the past month, I have been reading about the life of Gideon in the book of Judges of the Bible. I believe him to be a man like many in our day, one who felt stuck in his current situation, doing the same thing he'd always done, with low expectations.
He felt the sting of "poverty.......", thinking he could not get out.

But one day, while doing his repetitive chores, he heard a divine word, a voice call to him. That voice did not simply call him by his natural name, but by his God given destiny. He was a warrior; a man of valor. A person of courage, and that courage was being called out........

Even though he did not see that in, or for himself because the years of hardship had taken its toll, this did not negate his potential. His hurts had colored his perspective and the potential to change his circumstances. He needed the will to push back, to move on, and make things happen.

Therefore, I am putting a "call" of my own out to all who will hear what I am saying. It is very easy to go on in our life, day after day, scraping by rather than finding fulfillment and destiny in doing some impossible stuff. Even the sheer anticipation can bring your soul back to life............

I have personally noted September 5-15, as some super days to raise our expectations and begin to anticipate good things. Read the story in Judges 6 and figure out what the fleece is that you need to lay out; what answers are you looking for.

I know that "courage sometimes skips a generation" and I am 100% sure we are due for a rapid rising in our day.

This call for courage will breakthrough our complacency. Give it a try; you have nothing to lose. You may even find yourself moving and sounding a call of your own smile emoticon

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