Finding your way home.

"I was terrified the first time I left home but I persevered, knowing where home was and that I would always come back to it." (source unknown)

Perseverance. It grows from the testing of my faith; the trials I endure as I allow the process to work in my life. When this work is finished, the Book of James says I can be complete and mature, and lacking nothing. And when you're in the position I am in, this sounds pretty important to attain.

Perhaps God knew I was a quitter early on.... until He got a hold of me when I was 20 years old. Early on, the thing that tested me the most, as many know, was housing. This virtue would take years to develop but is wrapped up in my destiny.......... .

I was like many others and wanted the perfect home to raise a family in, especially having married a man older than I. When Plan B came into place, I naively agreed to the work required to put us in a better position than we had been financially. Little did I know the intense and immense work required to get there............

In order to hang onto what we have attained, I have needed this perseverance because there have been many times I want to throw in the towel. Concede. Admit that I cannot do this. Perhaps there is a Plan B, or just maybe I need a little bit more of my fight back..

My definition of home and what I wanted for the family we created was a place of acceptance. No matter what kind of day each of us had, there would always be a place of comfort awaiting. Comfort does not mean coddling to me, but a space for expansion and growth. Support. Safety.

With this in mind, the kids will be returning home in the next month. ALL of them. I have a feeling we will all enjoy what we've held onto here.... and work hard to keep it.

Updates will follow so watch for more:) Goodnight.