Growing the future.

"Feeding my spirit; Nourishing my soul."

When you really think about it, there is so much crap that we are continually fed, whether in our communities, culture, and even local clicks, it can be tough to figure out the truth. I have found however, as I avail myself to seeing the truth, it does seem to find me.......I thank God for it.

We all have a choice and a voice to use, to chime in with everything that's wrong with the "world' or do whatever it takes to make things right. As insignificant as that may sound, God honors a pure heart and acts on my behalf. I am counting on it and have been living it..........

My will to win can be challenged every single day, but the truth is what I tell myself. I see each of my kids persevere to be more, believe for more, and...... believe in me. A winning attitude can carry me a long way....... Truth keeps me there.

My daughter is set to begin fitness classes, coaching, and training on a broader scale and I recommend you reach out to her for details. I no longer feel settled in life but rather seek to better myself and I hope to transfer this attitude to many women like me, and men for that matter.

Logan and I are planning a college visit for later this week; he's got a few offers on the table at D1, D2, and D3 schools. Like me, he hopes to make his decision soon, so he can focus on other things. We will know what is right for him and when. Finally by my 4th one, I hope I've got it down lol smile emoticon

In the last few weeks, I have pushed hard to make deadlines. I have prayed for purposes to be made clear. I am declaring into existence what I want to see and be, according to one of my favorite verses in the Bible. I guess you can call it my "visual board", but for me, this has more power grin emoticon

Against all odds, I am believing for some great stuff and this is just the beginning. I have spoken these words of life for the past four years and will continue to do so.

My web designer son created a web page for the sale of the book on my blog, as we hope to see it grow in the coming days. My next venture is being planned, which not only includes a second installment, but growing where I am currently planted. 
It's all about the future....... and what I see.