Multiplying concepts.

Lots of time is spent saying prayers and being purposeful in focus and intent, and yet our requests remain "unanswered…" We are left wondering if He hears, listens, or even exists… If you are anything like me, you need visual reminders and supernatural responses on a regular basis.

In coming to SoCal our focus was multifaceted, with Loss as our catalyst and Volleyball to carry us through a transitory time. To say we have relied on our deep reservoir of faith, family, friends, and future dreams is an understatement in this very "dry" climate.........

After 16 months of prayers going up to the heavens, it seems we finally hit a soft spot and punched a whole into the heavens on Sunday. As we prayed, sprinkles came. Since then, record rain has fallen since December 1. It is a thing of beauty in this dark and desolate land, and so it is with our own lives...............

Times in life you find a stream of refreshing and you know when you have stepped into it. Being in this place and space, I must tell you to not be afraid to just step into it. Reach out. You may be a much needed resource to a weary soul who needs a little bit of happy.

On the first day of my daughter's launching "Body by Chynna", she "somehow" stumbled into finding her first clients:) I will tell you the incredible struggle it has been to get to this point; in spite of our "happy pics", we have had to dig deep, deep wells. Very early on, she had to lay her dreams down on the altar of sacrifice.........

She plans to move in with us in the near future which will be a help and prepare further for the future. Chynna brings the "happy" to our home and always has. Our vision is unfolding for the house we want to build in memory of their dad..............

It seems the House of Secrets network I desire to create is ever evolving. The dream is in the infancy stage and much like Mary, the mother of Jesus, I ponder multiple concepts in my heart. I am normally good at multitasking but with this flow of ideas, I am in a new place.

Loss is not the end. It is simple the beginning to a whole new life..........