Good. Better. Best.

I went out for groceries yesterday, which is probably the third trip of the week, now that I have to do smaller ones. Imagine my dismay to see eggs costing $4-5.00 a dozen at one of the most "affordable" grocery chains in the area:/ Needless to say, we're not eating eggs or doing any holiday baking.

After being here almost a year and a half, I have become schooled in a few things. My theory is that the cost of food keeps people skinnier; no one can afford to eat  The upside is gas is now $2.97 gallon on average, ha ha. 
Truth is, what we have learned here can benefit us elsewhere because making it here, we can make it anywhere.............

The simple things such as decorating my home, having my yard, and driving my car on the open roads are part of what makes me happy. Paying half as much in electric for a small 2 BR apartment and spending more on rent than on the cost of my own home with taxes, does not.

This lifestyle we have learned is overall, unsustainable........ in more ways than one. For me, to be "happy and healthy" requires a combination of good things. While we "Californians" focus on features, there is a wholeness of the soul that is just missing............

I have had the good in my former life, just as Job did, but I am ready for something more, something better......... even the best life has to offer:)

As I learn about the locals, my belief remains that life is not meant to be such a struggle. Sometimes a "move" is what is required to straighten out the struggles, whatever that may look like.

I have had my fair share of fighting everyday for what is mine to remain mine. Any widow or person who identifies with "loss" will understand. Because of the price that has been paid......... I will not freely give up what is rightfully mine to anyone.

With SoCal there comes some attitude and I'm finding my "new attitude" to be a bit beneficial.........