A window in time.

As I get older and gain more life experience it seems I become a bit more particular with whose company I keep. In years prior, I had a need to please but that too, seems to have died over 3 years ago............... It is okay to be choosy.

Whether economic, of essentials, or everything precious, the "darkness" associated with loss seeks to take up residency in our lives. When this happens, I simply press a little bit more into the heavens....... to hear His plan. The impossible can be provided........... through Light.

I am trusting the Lord on levels I have not had to before. I feel I'm being "led to lead" and L.A. was simply another education for me. Coming back east has been empowering and I needed to be back for several reasons, business and personal. The kids, while there, are preparing for home......

In some ways I may sound naive, but I am quite the contrary. I have an innocence, the kind that the enemy of my soul, has sought to steal from me. The kind of childlike faith that allows me to believe for big things to happen. I have fought to hold onto this courage without compromise.......

Our household is filled with motion and good commotion these days as the Godshalls, Logan, and I are sharing our home. We have supported each other throughout times of despair and discouragement, only to see the light at the end of the tunnel coming.........

Work continues on a rental a tenant abandoned on me, but it is always amazing to see the work of restoration being done..... on more than just the physical home. The potential to see the restoration of lives is at the core of who I am.......... and it has manifested through real estate.

I may have a new venture coming in the industry as I ponder my future, personally and as a business woman. The plan for me is to write and look into publishing in the very near days to come. I have a window of opportunity and a self imposed deadline.........

Take time to nourish your soul with truth and light, as darkness is all around us and seeks to occupy our minds. We cannot afford to sit in confusion. 
Nothing is impossible.

Ears Open Up.

I learn a lot from my kids, and I know they learn from me too. A mutually beneficial relationship is what I hope to have, as I have always tried to model authenticity.......... out of real love. Ears open up when this is the case.......

Having four is a feat I am finding out, and why it's a good idea when two parents can partner together for a common goal. The fracturing of families is a phenomenon hard to explain, but perhaps our hearts can open up a bit wider for one another as a result.

In a land where selfish ambition, envy, and strife abound, there will be confusion,"disorder" and every evil thing we are told in James 3. Daily it can be difficult to find a person freely willing to abandon their own desires in order to share in another's goals, dreams, or purposes........... never more evident than in our present "state."

It has been a gift to know the kind of people in the east who are willing to fight the battles for another, and step up and step in to help and to sacrifice; this was never more evident than in the tragedies our nation has suffered, traumas we've experienced, or troubles that come along. The selfless rush in.

Rather than a truly restful day, I took my daughter to the same Urgent Care Logan was in last night. She, who rarely gets sick, has been hit hard with fever, sore throat, aches and everything under the sun. Supposedly it's not strep throat but I have my doubts:/ Missing our doctors back home. Here, you are just a number..........

She's staying with us for now and I'm hoping to help nurse her back to health, even though I am not the most nurturing mom I know. So much is required from those who have been "given much." This is the time when a little bit of team effort from a partner could go a long way.

Jordan's teaching me a lot and gave me a crash course in the web pages we are currently using online. His patience can wear a bit thin, but I have come such a long way and we are both energized at the prospects! Looking forward to practicing this week and getting our plans fleshed out even more.

Please continue to pray for us. It is a great gift.