After a fun filled weekend, Jordan makes his way back to his home in SF. He spent time between our apartment and Chynna's place, on the beach, playing sports, and hanging out. I took pleasure in cooking a bit more while he was here too:) I think we make each other better......
On this Memorial Day, we remember the wounded, the warriors and those whose sacrifice seems to go unnoticed...... They are living all around us and often feel forgotten because few fully understand, or even try to........ or even care. As long as our "good life" goes untouched, why get involved.
Unless touched or impacted by something significant, the vain and meaningless things of this world take all our attention. There's nothing new under the sun, wise King Solomon said so long ago. Nothing's changed except the choices we make.... the priorities we pursue.
Most everything in our culture has become about self, thus making the sacrifices of a few good men and women, all the more outstanding. This knowledge drives my ambitions.....
As the paths we pursue become even more clear, one thing remains true: this is not about me. This is far more than I could imagine.
"I pray the eyes of your heart be enlightened...." to see beyond oneself and onto another.