
For so many years, I have carried dreams.... in my heart, soul, mind and spirit. Over time, I pondered them, wondering if there would ever be a time of fulfillment. Things I want to do, places I want to go, ways I've wanted to reach out but have only ever known limits........

These dreams never died, even in the light of the death all around us. My circumstances have always seemed to dictate my direction in life, but I have always fought against the tide.. Days I feel as if I'm drowning, I am never completely overcome. I can't be.

There are times when I feel I could be carried away in despair, if I let myself be, particularly when life spins out of control. For you, It may be health, wealth, childbearing or child rearing, the struggles are real; the need for direction, desperate.... especially in these days.

Sometimes it's as easy as knowing where to go for help..... who to go to for help..... and most importantly, who has the answers you need, at the right time and the right season in your life. Don't hesitate to ask......... the limits are coming off.........

Today felt like a day from hell as one thing after the other happened. The first bus did not show up for Austin, so he biked to the next stop to catch it for his first day of school. Thankfully, he had a great first day and will be back at it tomorrow, which will include VB conditioning with the club team:)

I took Logan to get his CA Driver's License only to again be told we are missing a required item, which we had not been informed of. And of course, there's a large fee required in order for him to take the test. I was livid and have gotten very vocal and expressing the ridiculousness in all the hoops needed to jump through to get something simple done.

Never expected this from such a "progressive" place. To many, it is normal life. Many I meet in SoCal try to convince me of the wonderful place we live in here and yet, I'm finding them to be some of the most miserable people I have ever met in my life. I am getting a hard edge......... which I need.

Flowers brightened my day at the office, as my friend John now sends me them on a weekly basis. He knows I need it, ha ha. Seriously, I have never been treated so well, ever. 
So much is happening I can hardly keep up, but is right on time....... 

Don't ever stop dreaming.......