Change. Change. Change.

Change. Change. Change. These are the words uttered to me by a close prophetic friend in the Fall of 2020, after investing in one of the biggest undertakings of my life, with my newfound husband/partner. These words flowed from her lips as we literally found coins scattered about in the soil of the farm. I knew this was a word to hold close which, not only had spoken to my past, but also of the very near future.

In the years prior to 2020, I found myself listening intently to what my next move would be, where would I be in my future, and how would I get there. Of course, this involved intentional prayer, listening, looking, and waiting. Throughout these past almost 11 years since experiencing the passing of my husband, there has been profound change. Indescribable, gut-wrenching, life altering change. Human nature is to resist it; my spiritual nature is to flow in it. This dynamic can create internal conflict.

I found myself needing to lay down my “pen” for a time, in order to quiet my heart, due to these enormous and eventful changes that impact my life and my family. Some I saw coming and could cooperate with; some I did not. In reflecting, I see a decade of accelerated change in my life, which I would not have chosen. I now also see, my nation is in this same type of reforming space.

Change in my life has brought a reawakening and reevaluating; a rededicating and repurposing that probably would not have occurred had I not walked through the type of situations that pushed this potential out of me. The grit and determination that is a possibility when facing insurmountable changes was, for me, only possible through my deep faith in the God in heaven, and a faithful few of my closest companions, counselors, and comrades. AKA: my tribe.

Our new venture continues in the vein of restoration: a farm I call, “Hidden Pearl Homestead.” You can find my blog at, if you’d like to see our physical project. In other ways, the recovery, repurposing, and restoration work in life continues daily. I have spent time in the quiet, undergoing changes personally, and hope to share more with you on this platform.

Keep seeking and searching: Hope is alive!