A Strong Stand

"Even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right. Even if the whole world is telling you to move, it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree, look them in the eye, and say, 'No, you move'."                                                                                 (source unknown)

I have, in recent months, found myself following this sober and sincerely difficult advice. It is not a word for the faint of heart, but for the one who finds courage in conviction, when it is necessary to take a strong stand, even when adversaries of all kinds are rising up........ even when they are external or from within.

Relationships in general, are fragile. As one who is familiar with loss, death, and suffering, I can boldly make these statements. It is in the standing firm that I see myself. In my uncompromising position, when the strength of will is tested, the reliance and depth of my faith becomes frail or more firm. I know when it is time to stand and when it is necessary to succumb. 

We are admonished countless times to stand still, stand firm, and see what the Lord in heaven will do with this unwavering faith. That is a huge feat in itself: to deny my unbelief. In the wake of the wondering why, it comes down to simple faith and holding His promises close to my heart, as if a treasure or a gift given. 

There are issues that require compromise; however, it is important to know the times and seasons in which a "sacrifice" is required. Sometimes the sacrifice is the unwavering stand which precipitates what appears to be a "loss." The Word says "if I lose my life, I will find it again." If I seek to hold onto what I am meant to sacrifice, there will be no blessing. I find in the giving, my life is given back to me, with multiplied blessing. There is no loss, only gain. STRENGTH.

In any type of recovery, whether economic, personal, spiritual, or national, there needs to be movement. I know, after being a widow for several years, compromise can come about as a result of the need for survival. What I know from my experience and in hearing the stories of others.... is that there should not be condemnation coming with it. Unless another walks in my shoes.......

Isn't it time to tell your adversary to move? 
