Joy is strength

Turning around 4 rentals of my own in a matter of 1 1/2 weeks is quite a feat. Having no lapse in interest is a blessing, but nevertheless, takes quite a mind to manage and muscle to accomplish the work. This is a new challenge.......

Of course I have done this before, but not quite to this extent. It just so happens the timing of each needing to moved lent itself to a bit of chaos for me; however, I AM quiet in my soul and have peace in my heart, but ALWAYS need the Lord to help me.

I rely on Him heavily.......... I have also learned to ask for the support of others and I truly thank you all for your prayers, thoughts, and concerns. 
After having a "real estate experience" last night, I was pretty beaten up, and it did not end there. "What doesn't kill me makes me stronger, right?" Or so they say.

Knowing who to call upon, partner with, and ask for support from is really key to any type of recovery and restoration process. In my personal and business life, many fair weather friends and/or family have been weeded out, and the new "network" is ever growing.

I am so glad to be partnered with Christina in real estate; she's dynamic and directed, and has rolled with me in my recent changes. Giving me the liberty the end of the week to sign and finalize my 4 rentals is incredible. Onward and upward.

"The joy of the Lord is my strength" is a verse on my mind this week. A group of people, some called within a nation, began the big job of rebuilding, recovery, and a work of restoration. They were given these words and are some I should live by smile emoticon

I hope to understand what they really mean.........