Praying for a change

it takes a lot to bring about change in life, well, for some people, LOL. "Change" is my middle name; my current love Scott prayed for "change" in his life last year, and lo and behold, he found me grin emoticon 
I've warned him smile emoticon He will never be bored........

We pray for His will to be done and then have preconceived ideas of how God will work, through whom, and wonder what it will look like. We often manage to contrive some lofty, idealistic intervention or else manage to never have any expectations at all.

Either way, we set ourselves up for failure. I have and continue to learn to just be in His flow and He will take me where I need to go.

As I have left a very stressful, negative environment in the last two weeks, I am finding greater peace..... BUT this peace seeking mission is MY choice. Not a whole lot may change around me or my situation, but I am challenging my faith to rise even further......

Being tore down in any relationship isn't healthy and I often wondered why one stays. I have seen firsthand how it is easier to stay in rather than get out at times, in the last four years more than ever in my life. 
However, there are times and seasons to stay put, but when it is time to move, go! Don't second guess because there is something or someone, far better than you can imagine smile emoticon

I know I am in the right place and position because I am coming against resistance. That resistance may take the form of a muscle spasm, cold, or any other type of sabotaging scenarios; however, I know that this is when the change I am making a change is one that is making a difference!

I've had four personal rentals to turnaround in less than 6 weeks and thank God, everything is coming together. It is so nice to have a "partner" who is devoted........ to me..... and me to him; his best interest and mine in mind.

Good things are happening; look and see!