Enlarging the tent pegs

Those who know me, know I believe in multiplication..... of blessings.

Good things do come to those who wait, even though I wonder sometimes how much longer I need to wait for good stuff, LOL. From the outside looking in, you may see good things, because I fight for what is important..

There is a price to pay for those blessings......

Our family has embraced an open door policy, one of acceptance, even if/when situations are hard to comprehend or "lifestyles" don't necessarily line up with our own. A little bit of love goes a long way.......to help another find hope.

When their dad was around, there was a certain level of it; now, a few years past, even more....... I choose to reach out, even when and though all in my life is not "perfect." That is the best time to give and challenge my faith......

Tomorrow, we head to the PA Farm Show Complex for a high level volleyball competition with Logan and his Yorktowne team. This will mark his last official games of the club season, not including Nationals in Dallas this summer. This will be a very momentous weekend for me.

I will be working some with the Keystone Region and USAV while there, learning more of the ins and outs of the business side of the game. Learning event planning will be very helpful, and managing even more than ever before, will come in handy.

Real estate is coming into a boom time, with buyers out the wazoo. Christina and I are planning our first ever, new event for "millennials", so if you're interested, please private message me! It will be fun smile emoticonChallenging myself daily.......

Expanding in 2016.