Deep roots

Yesterday one of my kids had a tooth removed. Normally, I don't see this as an option because you'd rather keep a tooth than lose it. This tooth however, was one he could afford to do without. It added little to no value to his ability to chew and eat, and he has plenty more.

This tooth issue spoke to me..... symbolically.

He had had problem for a little while now, with flare ups at any given moment and with little to no warning. Rather than acting immediately and taking action to uncover its roots, the pain would subside and life would go on. It was an issue that didn't need to be dealt with..... until it got too bad.

In the last week, this pain came back and it would not go away. At that point, whatever was causing the pain, in this case a tooth, needed to go.... immediately. The time for diagnosis and decision making would accelerate and action was required. One could not postpone the inevitable.......

It was an expense we weren't planning on, and with no dental insurance, it seems like another burden to bear. At this point, there was no choice - something had to give. A change had to happen. That thing, his little tooth, had turned into this major point of contention and had to go.

In spite of what it cost to get it out, let it go, or whatever had to occur, it had to be done. I needed to see this as a no other option outcome, an investment if you will. Had it been left and a root canal performed, because the roots were so deep, there could be trouble in the future......

Teeth can be symbolic of relationships and so I hope you know where I'm going with this simple "parable". It is a story we all can relate to, unless you are blessed with perfection smile emoticon

So, I wonder what that little thing or big "pain" is that you need to deal with tonight.............

***Follow my blog for more symbolic stories and modern day messages smile emoticon