Not of this world.....

When a loved one moves on to the next life and we are left behind........ the raw emotions of those moments can never be captured with words. It is as if you become caught up in a place, not of this world.......

In the same way, when a family is fractured for reasons to incomprehensible to speak of, a separation occurs such as divorce or divisions......... the same waves of grief that grip in death, grab hold in life as well....... and I am faced with a choice. 

Times such as this cause a greater vision to be caught than what is visible to the natural eye; however, most cannot comprehend what the plans of the Lord are. But rather, we stay firmly planted in the ground rather than soar to new heights of growth to see what the God I believe in may purpose to accomplish through it all:

The prophet Isaiah of the Bible says this about the Lord...."For my ways are higher than my ways, thoughts than your thoughts...... so is my word that goes out from my mouth: it will NOT return to me EMPTY, but WILL accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it."

Have you ever felt like you've hung onto promises, from a person, in your prayers, just waiting for the time of fulfillment........

That time is coming. It is upon us. Move to come...... stay tuned. 
