Sure and steady.

So much for my "ducks" in a row....... today one up and disappeared:/ I came home this afternoon to find Logan on the three wheeler, searching our property. We hope it is just in hiding and will be recovered. We miss it already. Funny how quickly I can get attached.......... and others to me.

I guess that can be a downfall to being open, welcoming, and warm; in life, you never know what lies ahead. Many protect themselves for the very reason of the risk of loss, whether financial, relational, or vocational; I get it. I am trying to learn vulnerability while sharing vision........

I was so fortunate to meet up with a good fried today, who had very good news to deliver to me:) I somehow still, in the midst of my own pressures, find hope in the "healing" shared with me. For the bit of time, prayer, and intentions I put forth, the reward to my soul feels a bit like...... restoration.

There was a time many years ago, I did not understand how people I met felt as if they were waiting for unfulfilled promises for many years. I guess you could call them the faithful. I was naive enough to feel that if I "believed enough", I would not have to wait; why would God make me wait. Surely, the heavens would part, mountains would move, and I would feel the rewards.........

I know it seems that there is one thing after the other I am dealing with, and I continue to ask the God I believe in, "why." I know He knows what is happening; He is not ignorant or absent in my situations. I am confident enough, and have been through enough stuff with Him, that I know he has not abandoned me. But I am getting very desperate.........

This week has been epic and will continue to be. I pray for guidance in major decisions I am making and today I had a hiccup. I am challenged to find my happy in simple things, and make my everyday steps sure and steady. Keeping my promises in front of me is the thing that draws me to make myself move forward.

"A setback is a setup." KC.