Freedom 2015

Sometimes it feels like hope has no snowball's chance in hell to survive. In our day and age, with generations of skeptics and cynics, it seems voices from various sources want to kill this concept in its infancy. Perhaps we can look to an ancient word for some wisdom.

In the ancient days, nations were advised to share with their children, grandchildren, and children's children their knowledge, and in particular, spiritual wisdom. They were to write down their stories, to tell their offspring of the tense but true times, when the God they believed in had intervened. I would imagine this was meant to keep His fame alive, to create an anticipation in the soul of the nation, and to harvest hope to see that better days were ahead. If it had happened before, great things could occur again.

As a nation ventured out of slavery and into a barren wilderness in search of freedom, there were days of lack and longing. However, in those days, there was a desperation......... and that desperation met destiny.

All the nation needed was direction and divine intervention which kept them looking up. A cloud and a fire were used to guide them, very visual signs to keep the reminders alive. They were not alone; their journey was not in vain.