Fight the feeling.

Whew, what a month August has been. I don't always look at life in these measures in time, but it just so happens, a lot has been contained in these seasonal, summer months. Unimaginable things that have led the way to me looking ahead as never before............

There is always the temptation to look back, especially when you're called out of one place in life and into another. This may be in a job, relationship, or a comfortable feeling. There is even a mass exodus happening across the globe, to people who had probably hoped that would never happen.

Lot and his family in the Bible were told to move on because the place they had called home was going to be gone. I would bet the pull from their past was a strong one, because familiar relations and familial obligations always are. Very few genuinely want the best for YOU...........

As I update information and begin my new affiliations, I did look at pictures from the last few years. I am not looking back with a familiar feeling, but more of a holy cow, we have really moved on smile emoticon I want others to have the journey of a lifetime, available to each one of us...........

My brain and knowledge is continually expanding as I engage more and more at the Keystone Region Volleyball office. There is so much to learn and I am in at a very interesting time. 
Today we received the medals for the KRVA HP Boys team who placed 3rd in Iowa. I personally delivered Logan's medal and will be posting a picture later on. It was awesome............ how surreal.

I put my PT hours in at KRVA and then head to my Macungie RE office, on a daily basis. I am working two jobs. I still cannot gauge what is too hard; I don't know that it will ever change for me. It is like I am now operating with a "nothing is impossible" attitude..........

The kids each have their worlds opening up and in a few months, lots can look different. I am always adjusting and trusting God.

Lot's wife seemed to decide to give into the temptation of looking back on what life used to be like. I find I can't look ahead or make a move if I am looking back. I need to push myself forward; no one can do it for me. I can feel support, but it's up to me to make that determination.

Go with the flow.