Transition to trajectory.

This week is flying by, but you might say what else is new because I seem to say that regularly. No matter which way I turn in the past few weeks, change is ever present. I am moving from transition times into a trajectory.........

Offers and options have come from places and people I thought was unimaginable. As I set my heart to move on and up, with divine timing, there is a flow I follow. "Where there is selfish ambition, there is confusion and every evil work." For me, it is a sure sign to jump ship.

I think deep down I know when it is not working or when motives turn from good to bad, wholesome to unhealthy. If you stay and think you are doing it for the other person, think again. You are probably getting something out of the dysfunction and need to ask yourself, "what is it worth?"

I will be sharing on these things in the days to come; however, now is not quite the time. I need to let my situation in some areas settle down and not simmer.

On Monday I began an office admin position with KRVA, Keystone Region Volleyball Association, which represents our state/region in this great sport! Whoever would have imagined that I would be given this opportunity, and in athletics, in a sport I am passionate about wink emoticon

I am working PT weekdays and so far, think I will love it. I believe our volleyball experience, here and in Southern CA, has groomed me for this time. ‪#‎growthegame‬. And I am also hoping it brings a bit of happiness to my life smile emoticon I will have the chance to work tournaments as well, keeping me in the game as the kids are growing theirs.

I also have irons in the fire, balls in the air, regarding real estate, personally and for business. It is an interesting time to be alive! Going through hell allows me to recognize the heavenly gifts.

Decisions. Decisions.