Training Day.

It's been said that it takes 21 days to develop or change a habit, so training has begun. My youngest son, whose been dedicated to conditioning since a young age, pointed out that life is training; training is part of life. I think we sometimes try to skirt around that issue......

Whether in sports, academics, nutrition, fitness, relationships, raising kids, or mastering our minds, there is a natural flow to life....... On the West Coast, the L.A. area to be exact, anywhere you look someone is in "training." Other places in the country, not so much.

I know I can easily be deterred and allow my mind to wander, fears to take over, or tiredness to set in. It is only from pushing in and forging ahead that I have learned that this "training" toughens me up. Everyday is training time for me. I find looking forward and not back is the key.......

"What does matter is who we are now and what we do with it."

Life is changing for my oldest son, as he forges ahead in his career plans on the East Coast. This kid has courage; courage to change his life, his circumstances, and keep pushing ahead for what his father made so many sacrifices for........

Chynna is always expanding her personal training business, learning the ins and outs of growing it. It seems for each of us on a career path right now, we are living it all out as a lifestyle. She is on the lookout for new clients and an assistant MS VB coach smile emoticon

I am currently going through my attic files and gathering a lot of info in order to plot a course for the near future. Days are spent up to my eyeballs in real estate, personally and for my new career. It really has become my lifestyle....... in an unconventional way. I will be sharing as I can.

In the near future, we plan to sell some tools that are no longer being used. The kids wanted me to hang onto them just in case, but it seems I need to sell some to ease my cash flow a bit, and free up space. We will probably post a list on FB once we get around to it:/

This is real life. Goodnight.