Being real.

The first time I stepped foot on the soil of Griffith Park in the California hills, overlooking the infamous Hollywood Sign, I received a word. This word went into my head, moved to my heart, and has settled in my soul, the seat of our emotions.

One word would carry me from June 2013 expectations to present day anticipations. From its very definition, I would find exactly what I need to withstand every assault I am currently under....... This word has been sitting inside me, growing and taking root..............

I find we over-complicate issues, often by getting "religion and politics" involved. Faith is really, really simple. Funny how I used to be afraid to share; now, I can discuss about anything. I am almost unrecognizable to myself, inside and out; however, I still have the same heart.............

It is up to me to keep myself reminded, inspired, and motivated. When I look for an outside source to do that job, I am always disappointed. There are sources of support of course, but nothing can take the place of the strength that lies inside of us, and for me, it is through the Lord.

I handled a lot of real estate today out of my home office, making phone calls I didn't want to, but getting it done. I don't have the luxury of procrastination. This business is about planting seeds, watering them, and letting them grow. To neglect any of it is to do myself a disservice..........

This too can be made so complicated, but in actuality, it is all really quite simple. I am here to help. Tonight, I actually went on my own to my first pre-listing appointment, after a community friend reached out to me:) So thank you so much............

To me, whether in business or life, it's more about being real and honest, than BS-ing my way through. I am so tired of that. I want my words to mean something...........

"Tomorrow about this time things are going to change." Nite.