Been there. Done that.

Change.... a mysterious word that seems to conjure up a lot of emotion in most. Many immediately feel fear, while some follow after it. It is a force, and when forced upon one, is not often pleasant. 
It moved me from marriage, into mourning, from grief, to glories; from east to west and back again.

There is an irony in that, while we are respected for making the bold moves we did, there is also a bit of scorn felt as a result. As if, we need to be reminded of what and where we came back to........ that, is sad and speaks more to the character of a culture than anything else.......

As we begin to search out the best offers possible for my youngest's future in college, career, and sport, the absolute most important thing is will. God's will.... where he should be in order to be positioned properly. It is a decision we can stress over, but plan to go with the natural flow.....

We have work to do, don't get me wrong, but doors are opening and some have closed. We have lots to talk about and figure out, which is a bit tiring and make me tense. With four young people, there is always something, lol.

Today was a bold and big day for my oldest....... and a week of weariness for another. I could go off, but I am choosing to keep quiet. She's got a strong will, and where there's a will, there IS a way............ ‪#‎praying‬

My days at work are full, and nights can be nuts, but I am stealing moments to spend time, trying to relax with a special friend in my life. Having his perspective makes me pause..... to breathe and be still which I apparently need smile emoticon

Perhaps my mentality has soared higher and further ahead than I imagined or even recognize. . I know however, that I would rather be fostering my future than perpetuating my past. Nothing to improve upon there. 
Been there, done that.