
As we countdown into September, a personal shift is being felt, as well as on a national and global scale. There is a need for direction in times of distress, as we know in a very personal way...... many are desperate for answers, help and honesty.......

I've come to think differently in terms of time..... people say "what if it's the end times" or "the end of time...." I have determined to live my life as if every day could be the day. Time is valuable, precious in fact; we waste it while others are wanting it......

This summer, my "separation" has been good; I've realized I finally have adjusted to being called Ms. Gehman, 3 years later. In the first year, I was glad to be known as a Mrs., but I have now found my identity, at age 45...... I know who I am.....

I have decided only the unselfish will move forward with me, as I pursue my dreams and plans. Unknowingly, I had set up goals, standards, and tests for anyone who wanted to be "special" to me, to pass. After a relationship of 25 years left me unfulfilled in several ways, I set a subconscious standard...... If I don't want to repeat the past, I must change my patterns.

John Hayes flew in Thursday night for a long weekend visit, and Jordan is flying down tonight from SF:) Cannot wait to see Jord; we need some refreshing in SoCal. He's like a breath of fresh air. He's going to need to switch his housing situation again:/ So when he returns that will be at the top of his agenda. Renting sucks.....

A word to the wise: "You're closer than you realize..... all you need is a key." (KC)