
Over the course of the last year, I have seen my youngest mature, physically, emotionally, and mentally. There is a lot to be impressed about, but tonight, there was something extremely special and rare, that many adults cannot even comprehend..........

After coming through a very difficult situation with a so called "friend" and teammate in the spring, my then 16 year old had every reason to hold a grudge, be offended, and disgusted. He was justified, as I was even in relating to this young man's parents. Horrible things had been said to us............

Rather than hold onto it, we chose to forgive..... because there will always be someone who will mistreat you or screw you over, pardon my language. But I feel, forgiveness leads to a future and is all worth it. In the last few years alone, there are many reasons why we could feel "wronged." That, however, becomes a complete waste of time.

Today as the HS beach team scrimmaged their rivals, I watched Logan's response to this young man. It was an act of maturity and decency and strong character on his part. Making choices that lead to life.........

I haven't been a parent who has done repetitive prayers or recurring scripture memory with my kids. Even when their dad was alive and they were younger, we were not a conventional couple. I figured I could never ever do everything "right."

What I choose to do.... is live the lifestyle I say I believe in. This has a far greater impact on the past, present, and future.