Possess Your Pain

I remember many years ago I returned home from the hospital, after suffering a horrendous loss.  In the 5th month of an unplanned pregnancy of our 5th child, I suffered a miscarriage. After delivering this tiny, perfect human, my blood pressure drastically dropped and frankly, I was close to death from internal bleeding. It seems incomprehensible  to me.......

Upon returning home, I took refuge in my comfy bed and turned on a television show that soon became my happy escape from the heartache. Dancing with the Stars became a weekly staple in recovery for many seasons in my life. Although at times, life's activities took priority of course, the fondness and familiarity remained the same. I found it comforting, and I had envisioned myself dancing with such delight........ 

I find it fascinating what human nature can take comfort in, crave coddling for or desire rest from, particularly when life is "hard." I honestly wonder what "hard" really looks like sometimes because I have been stretched ....... I believe we make many wrong choices because of our one-dimensional, human need for comfort and because we don't want to upset anyone. Rather than acting in wisdom, we react out of pain.  

In Genesis 28, I see how a divine revelation from heaven empowered an everyday man with a destiny to persevere for his promises. I don't know about you, but I need an epiphany; those "light bulb moments" where God speaks and everything becomes clear. Without it, nothing makes any sense, especially suffering. 

After leaving his familiar town and family setting, Jacob found a place to rest. He took a stone and used it as a pillow, which I would probably never think of doing. As he lay his head upon his hardship, he dreamed a dream. In this hard place, Jacob would see and hear promises of God for himself; his internal destiny would become more personal. 

I have found that in these hard times, when I desperately would like to feel comfort, what I actually need most, is an epiphany. I need the same type of revelation that Jacob had in order to make sense of all things. It was in this place of pain that He realized how awesome this space was; in his case it was "the house of God and a gate of heaven." There was opportunity in this place.

So, if he could feel this from his great awakening, why can't you or I experience the same?

I suppose I have great expectations and anticipations, that my pain has an eternal purpose; in my sufferings, there is an awesome power I am gaining. The heavens open and I see....... MORE.

It is time to take possession of your pain.  
