Power at Rest

Over the course of time and my spiritual growth, I have come to associate "life" along with the aspect of motion. Being in motion, not simply busyness or activity but in movement, makes me feel alive. I believe there is an element of "faith in action" in which I AM admonished to back up and activate my beliefs with deeds, not in the works or religious mentality, but with vigor.

Furthermore, with all the losses that have gripped my life for a very long time, this motion has helped ward off a spirit of death that would seek to keep me in despair.  I feel for those who trust in hope, there is a new season upon us now....... it is time to move again.

There is an energy available to me relating to the "rest" of God, as spoken of in the Book of Hebrews, Chapter 4 of the Bible. How contradictory.... rest and energy? If you know the secrets of God, you know this is how He does it. And if you are unaware of His mysteries, you have come to the right place!

This historical "book" is the foundation of my life and a reference for my future, because of its prophetic nature and the power to repeat the promises in my day. It is powerful, living, and active......... if I believe, these words are power at rest.  In all facets of life, I can often feel downcast or beat down; these are all cries I have heard resonate throughout the realms of society as well. 

Feeling downcast does not always depend on my circumstances or cultural situation. At times, it is often a matter of perspective and what I tell myself. 

The Psalmist and future King David was well acquainted with the emotions and pains of the average man/woman. Chosen at a young age and destined for greatness, the challenges he faced in the course of his quest to kingship was fraught with daily battles he did not necessarily deserve or seek out. Trouble seemed to find him....... He however, did not let his emotions dictate his attitude or define him. He did what he had to do, even speaking truth to his own soul, when no one else was able to reach him. This future king must have seemed a little bit crazy......

In Psalms 42, we find him saying, "Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God." He is asking himself a hard question, 'why?' Even when his internal dialogue was conflicted, he knew praise in his heart had to translate to every other area of his being, in order to be lifted up over his problems. 

Each day I have the choice to be "downcast" or in essence, to bow down to whatever it is that attempts to bring me down or weigh on me. Each day I need to make a choice to hope and praise; I try but fail often times. I know I can only control my own actions and that is my mission. 

"Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me."                                                                                          Psalms 42
