See you again.

In the course of the past 3 days, I have heard of 3 young women whose lives are impacted by the use of heroin. As we have returned to our hometown, our hearts ache for the loss of innocence....... and long for restoration.............

I wonder many things: the why's and worries that would cause a young life to believe in a lie. One try leads to the next thrill, desire for adventure or something out of the mundane, ordinary lifestyle that is Berks County, Pennsylvania. Here it may be heroin; elsewhere, another choice made.

There are varying opinions on the cause of the problems, the root of the symptoms, and what course of action needs to be taken. I can only speak from my experiences, as I know the desperation felt when hope is needed, and there is no where to turn; you feel you are left on your own.

Or there is nothing to hope in........ except something higher and greater than my own problems..........

I understand what it's like not to know something until you walk through it and then, it's too late. There is no need for condemnation; the Holy Spirit does the work of conviction. I just need to be there........ to help pick up the pieces and push in the right direction. Perhaps it is from my loss I speak, but I would not let known issues lie without doing everything possible to push for change........... the "climate" needs to shift.

I am praying about the purpose in all of this, as you know I believe in the power of redemption. I am also challenged to know how to reach out and make a difference; loss has touched too many lives........

Those who participate, the enablers, and the crowd of witnesses, watching it all happen, such as at our local high school this week. Loss can create a callousness.......

We must bring back the light.

Highs and Lows.

SoCal experienced a bit of refreshing rains overnight which has ended a week of cooler temps and overcast skies. No matter where I am in life, I have learned there are times that seem "heavy," and the climate seems to speak to those physical highs and lows.

As we see the snowfall pics posted, it's so crazy how we connect to the change in seasons because there is a refreshing that comes. I see it so clearly. Logan is longing to see snow..... and it's a good thing he and I will be back for the Thanksgiving holiday! He needs his close friends and "real life........"

I've found to get past any type of homesickness requires we be in a new place for minimum of a year. That is sufficient time for an easily adaptable and flexible family to find real friends, feel some joy, and strengthen our resolve........... and perfectly position us.

My daughter has officially been given the job as a beach coach for MS girls, and will begin working with the Pepperdine coach. This man also trains and coaches AVP players Kerri Walsh and April Ross. Crazy stuff. "Your beginnings will seem humble........"

Logan's stitches are out, after 5 days with 5 blue stitches. Email contacts continue with high level schools which brings much needed energy to our resources. Our kitty Schmoopie slept in a box all day and Olive had a big day out with Austin that left her wanting more:) Meowing at the door.....

An "exodus" of sorts has begun since Fall, which I spoke of a few months ago; it's happening in various sectors and societies. I see so many being positioned and repositioned in this season. If change comes, embrace it; don't escape it. The time is now.

Go for it.