
Our Easter Sunday was quite different than any we've known before. We sort of lost out on the Easter baskets and family dinner, egg hunts, and picture taking this time. Instead we face timed with my oldest and reflected on the reason for the season.....

The twists and turns their journey with Jesus took His friends, family, and followers on, had to be thrilling and enthralling. Yet, in spite of all His talk of the future that awaited Him. the shock of witnessing the death of this man had to be truly traumatic. You just never think it will happen to you......

Mary must have frantically searched for answers to impossible questions when she looked for His body, after His death. Where had His body been taken, seeing that the Tomb was empty, on the third day:)

I've had my "cross" to bear, or burden to carry, but Christ somehow knowing the journey before him, found joy in it all. He had to have His eye on some amazing future......

Today, on this first Easter holiday away from the East Coast, I cooked a simple Easter meal and face timed with family. Later the kids were off to Hermosa beach to play VB while I cleaned up; some things never change:/

As I faced an unprecedented amount of obstacles and unexpected happenings this weekend, it leaves me a bit bewildered. I found things I wasn't looking for and I went looking for something I did not find. I am, however, finding new joy.......

My prayer is for the same breath to be released which gave life and purpose to those who thought they lost Him....

That breathe began a revolution.......