The Deconstruction of Trust

I recently heard that "trust is the opposite of division" and I believe if we are honest, we can say we have seen a catastrophic breakdown in trust on many levels. The most glaringly has been in governmental levels in recent years and history, whether that be political, educational, religious, or secular in nature. Leaders are, and should be held to a higher standard, as their responsibility delegates it to be so...... we all will need to give an account for our actions. 

There has been a systematic deconstruction of trust in relationships, on a large scale or small. No matter what realm, the results are often devastating; no one has remained untouched by an insidious spirit at work, weaving doubts about one another.  If and when this occurs, I choose to take a step back and ask myself why. The Word says the "love of most will grow cold" as we near the end of time, which then begs the question, "what time is it?"

When loss is felt, the sting of death exposed, I cannot help but set my sights further on eternity. Not simply where I will spend my "forever" one day, but how my life on earth can make a difference, because after all, "eternity is set in our hearts."  (Ecclesiates 3) Trust is such a special gift, a treasure never to take for granted; one so priceless that when lost, takes intentional living and grace to recover........

I have witnessed this firsthand...... and the rewards of recovery.

In the Book of Matthew, Chapter 24, there are "signs of the end of the age", very descriptive words used to explain the characteristics of a generation alive on the earth as the end of a time in history was coming. A few words detailing what we should be alert for are: deceit, rumors, distrust, natural disasters, hatred, wickedness and betrayal. Hmm, sound a bit familiar to our time? 

But, I am also seeing that there are signs, the "beginning of birth pains" which means there has been labor taking place; pain is felt. A delivery is coming; something new is going to be birthed. We are on the brink of renewal and new life coming, whether you apply this personally, corporately, or nationally, this is good news!  Can you feel it?

As through tough times in my personal life, widowhood, wanderings, heartache, and wishes, my directive has been to stand firm through it all. There is much more more life to live, even as everything else in my "world" or yours is being shaken, and those we love have turned or been taken away..... NEW LIFE IS ALWAYS BEING BIRTHED out of "death." That is the word I stand on.

It is time to recognize the renewal on the horizon. Trust is a precious commodity, and yours, is and has always been a blessing I will never take advantage of. That is my commitment to you.

"Nothing can put asunder what God has joined together." 
