Resistance or Resilience

There are times and seasons in life which prepare us for change; it is imminent. While it is human nature to resist change in general, as I learned to go with its flow, I found new life..... this is a lesson to be learned on a large scale.

We have become conditioned to equate change with bad occurrences because we are fearful of the unknown and probably base our judgments on the past. However, anything can happen at any given time, even for good. Our preconceived notions and false perceptions hinder the ability for a divine encounter and anticipation we desperately need in the nation.

Yes, it is also human nature to desire to know the outcome; to control our own destinies. In living a life of faith, growth, or one that is healthy and vibrant, the uncertainties of the future need to be embraced rather than repelled.

The less resistance, the more resilience......

The wisest man in the land, King Solomon, tells us in the Book of Ecclesiastes that there is a "time for everything. and a season for every activity under heaven." I know it is difficult to let go, particularly if life is "going good"; but in the letting go, something better will be released......... and when life is tough, and leaving memories behind feel as if you're losing a piece of yourself, it must occur in order to find your future............ Without it, you "die."

If I cannot let go of the past, the future remains in limbo. 

I know and believe that when loss is suffered, not only is there death that has gripped the one(s) we have lost, that death spirit awaits the opportunity to wrap its arms around those left behind. The only way to counteract its grasp is to find the "eternity set in our hearts" by the God in heaven I have come to trust in.......

The word 'eternity' refers to a future.......... something to look forward to, and in essence, a hope. "When hope is deferred, it makes the heart sick."                          The Book of Proverbs

No one wants to be heart sick. 

In our ever changing world of politics, religion, and relationships, realizing there are times and seasons for everything will enable us to stay current and relevant in a faith filled flow of the Spirit of God. Nothing is impossible.

When you resist or cannot grab hold of the imminent or sudden change, stagnancy enters the soul. There is no growth for your "economic outlook" and I am not speaking only of finances........ Surrendering to seasons and changing times has enabled me to accept the things I cannot change in my life....... those from the past and present..... and learn from them.

I, therefore,  help to facilitate my future. 

"I know that everything God does will endure forever...... nothing can be added to it or taken from it."  Restoration is here for the soul.  I hope you can join me. See it. Feel it. Recognize the change. 
