Redefining Righteousness

In life, finding contentment is tough; it seems we are waiting for the next big thing, the storms to pass, or meaningful moments to last a lifetime. Surely, being content has to speak of more than the stuff, feelings, or emotions. There has to be more......

The Apostle Paul spoke of a "secret", a mystery he learned; he uncovered it through perseverance, a position of possessing this so called contentment. He saw it, knew it; familiarized himself with it, lived it and had the experiential knowledge to describe it.

Whether he was high or low, hungry or full, he had possessed this timeless secret....... With such infinite knowledge, he found he could do anything......... now that is the power in freedom.

I have learned there are secrets..... hidden mysteries in the way the Spirit of God moves, works, and manifests in our daily lives. Faith has never been boring since I stumbled into this dynamic spiritual life. It is a lifestyle...... of freedom.

About anything I share with you as you enter my "house", you will find contrary to most religious doctrines, dogmas, and rules. You may come to find they seek to ensnare rather than release you. Stick with me long enough and it will all make sense.......

Righteousness is defined as "right standing with God", unlike the rules and regs required by man. Theirs is a finite thinking, not limitless like that of the Lord in heaven. After all, we are capable of having the "mind of Christ" which is all encompassing......

The possibilities are endless.