Time to purge

Some things are going to come to an end.......

This was a message I received through a dream many weeks ago. While I only understand in part, the layers have begun to be peeled away since early May. It is almost too much for me to comprehend which should say quite a bit........

I have gone through a serious time of testing in my life; I thought 4+ years ago would have really been enough for a lifetime. It seems the event was meant to usher me into many more phases and steps towards growth, a path prepared to complete the good work He has begun in my life.

I see what life is like when we run...... try to escape from our pain. Hurt, fear, pain, and panic is not fun to feel; however, the consequences for NOT allowing oneself or another to feel is far worse than the time and dedication to pull through it.

You may actually find out what you are made of... and who stands behind or beside you through it all..........In this light, I really cannot rob another on their chance for a beautiful blessing because I am afraid........

I personally have seen the effects of my children with no father present, no "father figure" purposely present over these past four years. To step into the life of another, not to replace but for support, may have an impact you can never quite imagine........

I have been given one such opportunity and pray I make the most of it. I pray for many, many more........

It seems as I surrender and obey, I find myself at many new places. It is like traveling the country, seeing new things, being open to new experiences. You never know what is around the corner......

But first, the purge........