Opening up

There's a reason I used the phrase "be strong and courageous" in my book. Not only is it a word for those who have literally suffered loss, but for some who struggle to live.......

In the last few months, I have been ushered into another world I've been unfamiliar with. I know many suffer from it, countless pass on because of it, and most cannot live a "normal" life because of it.

With privacy in mind, I will be respectful, however, at the right time I will share. All I ask from you now is to trust me.......

When being open to the call of God on one's life, I must tell you that it is NEVER boring. He is always changing me and using circumstances, causes, and people to do so. This is the part where I say it will make me bitter or better, and that power friends, lies within my soul........

The territory I am venturing into now, I believe, is to prepare me to touch a whole group of people I would never have known otherwise. 
Yes, of course I have enough to do, but who better than someone who knows how to manage smile emoticon

April is not disappointing as our vision is opening up, from the West Coast to the East. 
There will be restoration.