Patience restored

Recovery: the action or process of regaining possession or control of something stolen or lost. That pretty much sums it up. 
It is a proactive, aggressive stance that I must take if I am going to be restored....... in every way.

Whether your "loss" is from drugs, drinking, lack of purpose in life, or a death itself, there can always be recovery. None of those words need to define you. It may be where you have been, but does need to be where you are going......

My late husband was good at about anything he tried; but one thing we struggled with was "maintenance." He loved to start projects and see them onto completion, and I could apply that to many areas in life. He got things done.

He was not however, a "maintenance man" smile emoticon He was more of a fix it and forget it guy, like I do with cooking smile emoticon My kids will attest to the dried out meats and meals over the years. LOL

In recovery, maintenance is the very key to keeping stability in life. Funny how, me a widow, is speaking on this subject...... and I have only just begun to learn about some uncharted territories, and I go it.... unafraid.

One thing I do know, is what it takes to "maintain", no matter what season in life you find yourself. Loss will turn around to life if you keep searching for it. Love will find you, even though it may not look like what you are expecting.......

Sometimes one of the bravest things you can do is..............