Not perfect, but potential.

We have officially hit the 6 month mark of our return home; most things do remain the same. We however, have changed. Warm words have flowed from several friends and unexpected places this week, reminding us where our hearts lie...........
No place is perfect but there is plenty of potential.

After living in a state deemed "progressive" and having been bi-coastal for an almost two year period, I have seen a lot. We often compare stories, lifestyles, "love lives", pay scales, and perceptions on both coasts. Several years of experience packed into two smile emoticon

Tonight I attended my first HS sports booster club meeting, as a rep for the volleyball team in the upcoming season. Ironically, it seems no matter where I go there is change. Transition. Restructuring. Coincidence?

No matter how large or small a community is, there is often a disconnect. We disconnect. We can talk about the "good old days" and how we were more connected to each other, and perhaps it was a different time, generation, and era..... But what about us; who we are and wanna be.....

We do not have to be compared to anyone else, or any other time. Let's live now. I guess getting the wake up call of a lifetime has put this all in better perspective. I know what I want to invest myself in, and am doing everything I can to get there, and aggressively so.......

I find to care requires me to go beyond rejection, to push past those concerns, and just be..... myself. No one else........ and not get offended. Offense is like a deadly divisive weapon. Nothing gets done.

If I have tried to teach my kids one of many things, it is to let go of offenses. 
Operate with a spirit of unity......... that is where a blessing is beholden.