Zero to Sixty… Accelerate.

I have learned there is "no rest for the weary", after making a somewhat harrowing drive home from Penn State last evening, following our long weekend of volleyball. Opportunity never lets up, if I have the proper perspective…

Traveling on Route 322 out of town, the path was tough to see. There was no line in the center of the lane, as it was covered in snow. I took my best guess as to where I needed to be. Very few cars were on the road and at one point, it seemed to be just me…

Navigating my way on this freshly fallen snow, having no clear direction to follow parallels life for so many. I was so weary, my body fatigued, and brain tired to the max, but I had to continue on. Listening to the Super Bowl actually kept me focused wink emoticon

I saw Logan sleeping and quickly reflected on the weekend, the weeks leading up to it. Only four weeks ago we returned to our life back east again, navigating new paths in familiar territory. The "season" is different than when we departed for SoCal..... and yet, there is opportunity.

Somehow what I call the supernatural intervention of God seems to show up in mysterious ways and somewhat silly times, but a snow day today was an answer to prayer:) It gave Logan and I the opportunity to work at a rental property currently underway, painting, which we haven't done in over 2 years.

We joked in the past that it's somehow him and I who "clean up the messes" in some way, shape, or form. And here we were today, working together yet again, on a project, persevering to get it done by my deadline. This is part of why we returned home....... to real work. Real life.

I continue to be inspired by his words of wisdom, as he is finding his voice after losing his father over 3 years ago. I am very excited to see his ideas come to life as we seek to inspire a community and impact a nation. Belief begins a movement...............

These days I talk to my 3 kids in Cali a few brief times a week if possible, but it's not enough to really stay connected like I want. As we plan for the present and future, we are all working for a common goal even while apart which helps to keep our focus fresh and moving eminent.

We're going zero to sixty again, so hold on.........