Feeling without fear.

In the last few weeks, I have felt highs and lows and my kids wonder about the phases in my life, to which I tell them to shut it smile emoticon Everyone has emotions, and they can either rule my actions, or make me determine to keep them under control. I cannot however, control another's responses.

The foundation of a life that was built upon remains intact, but the rebuilding of lives continues. When I think I'm doing okay, and the restoration work is happening, I am challenged by something or someone beyond my control. Again, I need to roll with it, go with the flow, or fight it.

While countless open their hearts to me, I am truly humbled to be in this space in life. To see and count my loss as gain, as the Apostle Paul says, is revolutionary thinking... and I think we need a revolution actually. My thinking continually needs to be renewed because there are days.........

Everyday I am learning how to feel again.... or let myself feel without fear.

I wonder if it will be possible.

Perhaps the seeds of love, care, and warmth will come back, one hundred fold in the coming year.

2016 Exploding.