Meant to become.

After so many years of neglect, a work of restoration has begun. This work was precipitated by grief, propelled by loss, and anchored in hope.Who would have ever imagined.........

When loss, depression, or anxieties set in, it's like I couldn't help but feel..... and frequently feel too much. And then came the time, where the emotions were negated in order to survive or become self destructive.

However, when the time is right and restoration is on the horizon, the holes in the soul begin to heal.......... it is a very beautiful and emotional sensation. I am learning yet again, that I am transforming into the person I was meant to become........

My boys were able to get together with an old friend of theirs from our church days, when our families were close. Time passed and our paths didn't anymore, so we lost touch. They could now have travels together in the coming days, and had a lot of fun tonight.

Another reunion of sorts is taking place between my daughter and good friends who are in the area. She also had a very prosperous lunch meeting today that I set up, which could put her feet on an interesting future path in the sport. More to come.

Austin's busy with college and two club sports, while Logan has gained a new "friend." His club vb season is beginning, and some exciting stuff is happening.

I am also happy to say I am dating a new guy, after a "chance" meeting the end of May. Real estate issues brought us together but a relationship has developed. To say it's been amazing is putting it mildly......

Discovering who I am meant to be has probably been one of the most thrilling, terrifying, and exhilarating experiences of my life. Redemption is a fascinating find...........
